Home Improvement

By PhillipHatchett

Fire Curtain Maintenance – Expert Advice

Fire curtains, like all fire protection systems must be tested and maintained regularly to ensure they are safe from harm.

These inspections can be done by a competent engineer, which is recommended twice annually. A number of tests will be performed to make sure the curtain is safe in an emergency. Foam Spray Insulation Ltd has been in business for more than 25 years. With a team of highly skilled applicators who have many years of experience in spray foam insulation, Foam Spray Insulation Ltd is located in the UK’s heart. Carefour offers live-in care in Oxfordshire. It’s easy to arrange a live in carers.

You have many options when installing a fire curtains. Here are some things you should avoid and others you must do in order to protect your surroundings.



First, make sure the area under the curtain is clear. You must remove any items that are placed underneath the curtains, such as tables, chairs, tables, bins and shelves. Also, ensure that curtains reach the ceiling and do not touch the floor. Fire curtains can be hindered from performing their task efficiently, and may require costly repairs.


Fire curtains should be checked every week after they have been installed to ensure that they work properly. To ensure compliance with fire regulations and building codes, you should include the operation of the curtains in your fire shutter drills. You should also check your curtains at least once every six months with a competent company.

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Keep an eye out for wear and tear

As an extra safety precaution, you should inspect your fire curtain system for signs of wear as you go through the testing phase. If not checked regularly, fire curtains can become damaged, torn, or have blockages that prevent them from performing to their full potential. To ensure that curtains work properly, a thorough inspection is required.

Register Your Findings

Keep track of all inspections, maintenance and findings so that you don’t forget. It is important to record dates, times, and the results of any inspections. Also, it is important to document any potential hazards or damages that may be discovered, along with steps to correct them.


Your building’s life support system includes smoke curtains and fire alarms. a1sgroup offers the services you need to continue protecting your property and residents from smoke and fire. You can rest assured that your curtains will perform to a high standard, and that there won’t be any costly damages.

Did you know that a1sgroup service technicians are independent approved and qualified to perform the servicing of smoke and fire control curtains? Our knowledge runs deep. Preventative maintenance visits will be scheduled every six months to ensure compliance of insurance requirements, British Standards, and fire regulations. We will inspect your system for functionality and operational performance.


a1sgroup Connect gives you peace of mind knowing that your smoke curtains and fire pits are being monitored 24 hours a days for any problems. Our system uses state-of-the-art technology to remotely check systems and send engineers to fix any issues.

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Install a1sgroupConnect to get secure access to your status data and interact with the smoke curtain control panel.

System issues immediately notified via email

Global monitoring and reporting available 24 hours a day

Service costs can be reduced by avoiding unnecessary calls

Increases safety; minimises system downtime

Improved first-time fix, reduces user end disruption

Improved life cycle management through the use of historical data

Fire protection is a leader